How is Tony Stark a likable character considering he has screwed over his team countless time? part 2

for part one visit 

part 2........

Tony is the only one of the Avengers who can see the big picture. Indeed, he’s the only one to even try. Cap apparently thinks preventative measures are evil. Well, that’s idiotic. Winning or preventing wars before they start is why we have diplomacy, and we will never be able to even estimate how many tens of millions lives it has saved.) Also, Bruce is never blamed by anyone, for whatever reason.

By the way, what do you think happened in Infinity War? Cap got what he wanted, Tony stopped trying to win the war before it started. Then the war did start. And innocents died. Thanos would almost certainly have lost if a corrected Ultron protocol — which can be created easily, as proven by Vision — had been in place.

Oh, and also by the way, keep in mind that by this point Cap has known for a year that HYDRA killed Tony’s parents, and never told him. Meanwhile he’s there complaining about Tony not telling him things. Go screw yourself, Rogers.

When Tony and Bruce try to make good on the wrong they are being falsely blamed for and create Vision, Cap and Thor, on the word of Wanda — Wanda, who mind-gamed both Tony and Bruce within the last week, was plotting with Ultron literally five minutes earlier and is more responsible for the current crisis than anyone else in the Universe — physically attack them, a super soldier and a god against two regular scientists. Vision wakes up and within five minutes they trust him more than Tony, because he lifted a hammer despite the fact that Vision was at least (if not more) as much as Tony's creation as Ultron was. 

On that note, Mjolnir: why is this dumb lump of steel (?) being used as the moral compass of the Universe in Age of Ultron? That thing was enchanted by Odin, who as Ragnarok revealed is a genocidal warlord who deals with his mistakes by denying their existence. What right does he have to pass judgement by proxy on the man who carried a nuke into space for the sake of complete strangers? If Tony isn’t “worthy,” then who is, and why should anyone care what Mjolnir thinks about the topic?

After the movie, Tony resigns from the Avengers — or at least from field duty — because he feels pathologically guilty over the Ultron crisis, even though objectively he has nothing to blame himself for. Needless to say, he handles all the associated costs. I doubt anyone on the team even tried to defend him, publicly or from himself.

Meanwhile, the Avengers immediately and unanimously take in Wanda. This is days after she mind-gamed Tony into creating Ultron, mind-gamed Bruce into leaving Earth forever, and almost destroyed all of humankind by working with Ultron. Their rationale: Cap thinks she’s “just a kid.” (Spoiler alert: she’s not.) They don’t seem to care at all about the pain she caused Tony and Bruce, not to mention hundreds of innocents in Sokovia and Johannesburg. They don’t ask the relevant governments what they think about it, of course. Tony accepts this, because what else could he do? Evidently he doesn’t hold the mind-rape against her in the long term, since he’s desperate to protect her in Civil War.

     .................continued in next part 


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