Why Thanos Treasure Tony ?

Why Thanos Treasure Tony ?

In the beginning of their first real exchange of Dialogue, Thanos says he knows who Tony Stark is and that he isn’t the ‘only one cursed with knowledge.’

We know that Thanos is smart and more than likely knows a great deal about Earth, having scouted out all the Infinity Stones and previous had an extension of his Army attempt to invade it; he knows that Tony Stark has defended Earth before, and he knows that he has interfered with his plans time and time again.

He knows that Tony Stark is a gifted Human, not with extreme strength or unfathomable powers; but knowledge. His wits, his intelligence has gotten him this far. From being blown up with shards of metal in his heart, to going toe-to-toe with the strongest being in the Galaxy and made him bleed while his armor was partially damaged. Surprisingly, Tony was the only one who made him bleed and went toe to toe with him despite being a normal, mortal human who lacked super powers unlike the other members of the bigger universe about which Fury said in Iron Man (2008).

Thanos isn’t a fool—he knows his power, his strength and knows with the Gauntlet he is unstoppable.

Despite this, Tony Stark challenges him when a clever ploy fails and gives it his all, pulls out all the stops, draws blood from the Titan himself and is the only Avenger that briefly seems to have had a chance. His tactics were well-placed, keeping his fist from closing and keeping the power of the Gauntlet from activating.

But Tony Stark fails. Perhaps the greatest Avenger, falls. The most Human of them all, just a really really smart guy once a War Monger, now a savior.

Thanos sees that, but he sees the threat as well. He is going to end it, going to put Tony Stark out of his misery and prevent further meddling. This is a statement: Thanos doesn’t kill needlessly, Tony Stark is a threat.

Before he does this, Dr. Strange offers a bargain for Tony’s life.

Thanos makes a mistake and takes the bargain for temporary power.

We know Tony Stark damn well going to avenge everyone, even if he can’t save them.

Thanos got something unreal coming, a genuinely pissed off Iron Man.


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