Tony was too weak in Infinity War to stop Thanos

I have seen many people quote many great lines from the movie INFINITY WAR, but I haven't seen this one, so either I am the only one who thought this was a great scene from the movie, or no one else realised or bothered to care about what it meant, but - “Earth just lost her best defender”, and Cap wasn't talking about Spidey or Strange, and apart from these 2 who was the only known Earthling out of Earth we know very well.

But you know what …. Tony is just a man in a can, after all. He was weak. For all his knowledge and resources, he was unable to do what he had been preparing for, for the last six years. He was unable to defend the Earth, protect all that mattered to him.

So he tried to outsmart the Titan.

“I think I'd just cut the wire”

It's worked out pretty well so far (I'm full of quotes today), so he thought, why the heck not? …at least on his turf he is not expecting it… Only, it didn't work(though the unknown earthling was responsible), and he nearly paid for it with his life. And he was willing to, don't doubt that. He was sacrificing his Armor to form a weapon to stab Thanos with, giving it his all, holding him down and making the Titan bleed where others couldn't even restrain him. He knew what was at stake.

“Sometimes there's just no way out, Tony”

An easy enough explanation for someone like Cap, a dutiful soldier, to swallow, but not for Stark, who spent his life trying to solve things his way. But the Titan made him swallow it anyway, and stand by and watch helplessly as he made off with the Stone and wiped out half the Universe.

And then his nightmare came true…..he had to stand and watch, helplessly, as his friends died around him, in his arms, with his name on their lips….and I'm going to see them now. It's okay, I want this….he probably wanted to say he was sorry he didn't do more, when he should have, could have…..he saw this happen...... he  sensed this endgame since 2012….but then he hears Peter apologize to him…

"You think you're the only superhero in the world? Mr. Stark, you've become part of a bigger universe; you just don't know it yet."

"I have successfully privatized world peace"

Even though other  powerful, immortal, filled with loads of superpowers, Gods, Super soldiers, wizards were/are there to protect and defend the world and universe from the threats but none of them try to take all the burden (even the fraction of it) on their own shoulders. But it was you only Tony who showed the valour and give civilians a person accountable to them for all the loss committed to them by their protector. So, even if Thanos is successful in wiping out half the universe was combined fault of all the superpowers it is Tony whom everyone should blame cause took the mantle despite being a normal human with intelligence and determination so no matter what, he is the one to be blamed, it was his weakness that the universe is half wiped out cause he with his futurist instinct sensed that 6 years ago. Tony you failed cause the protection of Earth was your sole responsibility, no one else except you stepped up to took that throne filled with thorns so Thanos' triumph is Tony's defeat, no one else's.

“Tony…..there was no other way”

Isn't there? Is he the one who has to bear this burden too? Does he have the strength to? Surely there are people who better suited to handle the responsibility of the entire Universe than a narcissist drunkard with daddy issues? A God, or a Super Soldier…. So why is it him?

“Don't waste it…..don't waste your life Stark”

Because he alone, of all the original Avengers, would refuse to accept even the smallest loss. Because for him alone, there is no concept of the greater good or a worthy sacrifice. He is just fighting for all he has, and all he loves. And he is not ready to give anything up. Or anyone. So if there is only one way, and if he is the key, he will find that way.

“You've never lost a soldier before?”


So yeah, he was weak…..compared to what Tony Stark will unleash upon that Purple Baldy in the next movie. We are about to see Tony come at Thanos with that insatiable desire to win that has driven him through all his adventures. And Thanos is going to rue the day he decided to pick on Earth's mightiest heroes. And her best defender.

“Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damned sure we'll avenge it”

Oh, and one more thing.

“I am Iron Man”

 "You can take away my house, all my tricks and toys, but one thing you can’t take away – I am Iron Man.”


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