Is Tony Stark a good role model ?

Is Tony Stark a good role model ?

I believe human empathy is the greatest emotion one can harbour ,so is the ability to consider all the facts before blindly making decisions based on prejudice.

Nevertheless, Tony Stark is no saint.However, this fact applies to the majority of the human population.

Let's take a journey- one you don't have to pack for.

From birth Tony was raised by a neglectful father who was a dominative , male who trapped his son into a cage . His father was slightly vindictive (no offence to anyone) who taught his son to fear: emotion,fear and vulnerability and being subject to emasculation. By giving Tony such a dismal childhood he had given his son a very breakable ego.

After his father's 'accident' Tony Stark was a a broken Boy/Man . This may have influenced his future persona as a 'billionaire, genius , playboy and philanthropist ' as Tony relentlessly strived to be the 'man' that his father always wanted.

On the contrary, after the events of Iron Man 1 Tony was able to do the right thing even if it limited his income- he was able to take responsibility for the deaths his company played a part in as every life matters ( very different from the opinions of some 'loved, rituous HEROES ').

Constantly throughout the movies Tony tries tirelessly to do the right thing. He lost his friends while doing so. He takes a 'Nucleur Missile' into space regardless of the fact that he might not return.

He constantly builds new technology and funds the avengers . He WORKS hard ;should he not be allowed the pleasure to enjoy himself like any of us ?

Moreover, Tony expedited the idea of Ultron as a way to protect the world which he loved. In convergence , Mr. Stark did everything on his power to keep his friends safe during Civil war. In addition, his anger directed at Steve Roggers and Bucky Barnes is easily forgiven when one considers that his friend (Mr. Roggers ) kept a criminal ,brainwashed or not , safe and used Howard Stark's own shield to defend his murderer.

Frankly speaking if someone brutally eradicated my parents I wouldn't care if they were brainwashed or not (sadly) that person would still be responsible for destroying my family .

In summary, I believe Anthony Stark is a good role model despite his few shortcomings as he is a human and a self-made super hero . To elaborate, there was no radio active spider or super soldier serum ,he chose to become iron man from a suit he built with his own intellect from scraps of metals in a cave while being held captive by terrorists .

He chose to become a Super Hero to defend the defenceless even though it would have large impacts on his personal life and would have many economic and social consequences .

That certainly does not seem like the actions of an 'idiotic, rich, pompous moron', does it?

In conclusion, Tony Stark is a broken doll , searching for someone with glue, because no one knows how it is to be the bad man, the sad man, behind brown eyes .


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