Why Tony Hate Steve ?

Why Tony Hate Steve ?

Tony didn’t hate Steve. Sure, he never really liked the Star Spangled man, but he never really hated him. What Tony and Steve share is a bond of mutual respect. Sorry, what once shared.

Until the revelation that Steve was willing to throw aside his morals, everything he stood for to protect the man that murdered his Howard and Maria Stark, Tony respected him.

In that moment, the Captain America that Tony had been exposed to his entire childhood, the poster-perfect man on that pedestal, fell from grace completely. The idol that Howard so completely favoured over his own son, betrayed the memory of Howard and Maria Stark.

Steve chose to defend the man that turned Tony into an orphan. In that moment, I believe that the respect that Tony had for Steve went shattered. On the surface, both Tony and Steve are fighting to steer the world in the same direction. They just have very varied methods of getting to that end point, they share an ideology.

Tony shut down the weapons production arm of Stark International when he saw what his creations could do in the wrong hands. He sought to protect the world from those that sought to destroy it, and that lead him to making some very morally questionable decisions.

Steve fought in a war that for all intents and purposes was the war to end all wars, and he vanished ensuring that he stopped the evil that sought destroy the way of life that his code of morals and ethics were founded upon. Steve’s code functions all good and well for the Mid 1940s when things were strictly black and white. In the modern world, the lines are blurred, and there are shades of grey everywhere.

It is the refusal to budge at all, and the following disposal of it to protect the Winter Soldier is what Tony hates.

He hates that Steve could protect a man responsible for such atrocities, rather than serve the code of Justice and ethics that he was created for. It is this betrayal that Tony finds to be completely unacceptable.

There is a line from the trailer, and while it did not make it into the final cut of the film, I believe it is indicative of how Tony sees Steve post the Sokovia Accords.

“I was wrong about you. The whole world was wrong about you.”


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