How is Tony Stark a likable character considering he has screwed over his team countless time? part 3

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part 3 

Naturally, even after he’s resigned, Tony keeps funding and supporting the Avengers. Naturally, they take that for granted and never thank him for it.

Speaking of Civil War. Another several paragraphs …

The Avengers make a horrible mess because Wanda doesn’t control her powers adequately. As in AoU, she is never confronted or punished by anyone for this, even though any cop or fireman or soldier in her position would be. Instead the whole team, including Tony (who handles the downfall again), is unfailingly supportive against the evil, stupid governments.

Said evil, stupid governments have finally had enough of this bunch of amateurs running around doing whatever they want whenever they feel like it as if the law was something that happens to other people. They write up the Sokovia Accords, a legal document signed by 117 countries that as far as we know only seeks to put the Avengers under UN oversight, so they can finally be held accountable when they screw up.
Tony supports this, of course. He relates deeply to the consequences of Avenger screw-ups, because even though he actually hasn’t caused any he still feels like he did, and also he probably has the most comprehensive view of what those screw-ups imply since he pays for everything. He gets blamed for this, of course, both in-universe and out. There are several problems here:

First off, the Accords were a good thing, and the Avengers have no right to impose their actions on sovereign countries and then bugger off and let said sovereign countries (or, you know, Tony) deal with the aftermath. Cap claims they can police themselves, but evidently they can’t, or don’t.

More importantly, the Accords were not Tony’s idea. They were also not optional. The Accords were 117 countries saying, “This is how it works now.” The Avengers don’t get to negotiate with them over it. They are not an equal party in this exchange. They are, from a juridical point of view, random people with no job. They have no legitimacy whatsoever to discuss law with state actors. If they go against the Accords, they are criminals, and that’s that. Tony, contrary to Team Cap, realized this basic fact, and was trying to get on the good side of the Accords so he could be in a better position to make the amendments he might deem necessary at a later date.

When Cap goes above the law to “rescue” his precious Bucky, violently disabling several innocent policemen, causing gross public and private property damage and probably wounding many bystanders along the way, it’s yet again Tony who has to deal with the consequences. Except this time he can’t, because the Accords are law. He tries his absolute best to protect Cap and Falcon from their own idiocy, but they refuse to cooperate and be brought down to the legal level of normal people with responsibilities. Worse, when Bucky escapes, they take the opportunity to disappear with him instead of bringing him back in, which would literally have solved all the problems in the rest of the movie. 

Congrats, they’re officially international criminals now.

.......continued in next part 

link to part 4


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