How is Tony Stark a likable character considering he has screwed over his team countless time? part 4

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part 4 

Meanwhile, Tony is also trying his absolute best to protect Wanda — who doesn’t deserve any of it — from the public outrage she caused. He keeps her in a luxurious suite with her closest friend / boyfriend / whatever, who details to her how bad her situation is and how helpful it would be to everyone including herself if she just stayed put for a week or so until Tony can smooth things over. To her credit, she is nearly convinced by this elementary logic, but Cap sends Hawkeye to extract her, and she then assaults Vision with her powers and runs away. Congrats, she’s officially an international criminal too.

Incidentally, Cap pulled Hawkeye into this mess after he had retired and was living peacefully with his family. I doubt he had any idea of the Accords’ existence, let alone of their content. Falcon did this to Ant-Man too. And yet people complain about Tony and Peter.

Tony and his team then intercept Team Cap at that German airport. He tries to reason with them one last time, but they stubbornly refuse to cooperate once again, for no clear reason beyond “I’m Captain America, I know better than everyone else!” Fed up at long last, Tony fights Team Cap to arrest them for their crimes as an agent of the law and wins, but in the process Rhodey — Tony’s best friend since long before the Avengers were even an idea — is crippled for life.

After their arrest, Tony visits Team Cap in jail. He is clearly appalled by their treatment, but they brought it squarely upon themselves. Naturally, they blame him instead, as though he were the one who wrote the legitimate law they stupidly violated or the one who decided of the punishment they richly earned. Naturally, Tony being Tony, he agrees with their delusional, self-serving assessment of his responsibility and feels guilty about it.

He is finally given Cap’s evidence against Zemo, which could have been provided at any point prior to that, thereby bypassing all the problems in the latter half of the movie. Because he feels unjustifiably guilty about the mess Team Cap made, he works around Ross — thereby risking his own legal status — and goes to help Cap in Siberia ASAP.

The rest is history. I won’t claim that Tony’s reaction to the footage of Bucky murdering his parents was logically sound, but it was far more emotionally understandable than any of Team Cap’s bullshit throughout the movie, and Cap himself richly deserved that punch in the jaw for not telling Tony this little detail for two entire years. Then again, he never did trust or value Tony for anything, really.

Aftermath: Team Tony is crippled in its ability to defend the Earth. Team Cap is crippled in its ability to do anything. Any amendment of the Accords to make them more tractable to the Avengers is suddenly nigh-impossible because that would make sovereign states look like they’re submitting to Steve Rogers’ whims, and the Avengers have lost much of whatever public support they still had. It is the worst possible outcome, beyond Zemo’s wildest dreams, and it is all squarely Team Cap’s fault.

..................continued in next post

link to part 5 


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