How is Tony Stark a likable character considering he has screwed over his team countless time? part 1

part 1

There is a question I often get to read or hear that is How is Tony Stark a likable character considering he has screwed over his team countless time?

Well people are right in doubting Tony cause he is not as pseudo pure as Captain America, sorry not as pure as Captain Rogers.

For a die hard fan of Stark like yours truly it is a troll question but as one can't be in his comfort zone all the time time so alright I will bite. Let’s go through this chronologically, shall we?

Avengers Assemble: Tony saves Cap’s life against Loki, and Cap spends the next half of the movie looking down on him like a jock stereotype. Tony then risks his own life restarting the helicarrier's rotor, then risks his own life again delaying Loki alone while the others get there, then wrestles a live nuke into outer space, fully expecting to die from it, in order to save the Avengers and a city of strangers. Oh, and this is all after SHIELD tried to screw him over in Iron Man II and made their contempt for his character clear, obvious and official.

Age of Ultron: This is going to take several paragraphs.

To begin with, Tony has been bankrolling the Avengers, personally maintaining their gear and presumably handling the economic, juridical and PR downfall of their operations for a year now, ever since Cap decided governmental oversight was too mainstream for them back in Winter Soldier. This must have cost him millions, for which he receives (and demands) no compensation of any form. In fact the Avengers don’t even appear to be grateful to him at any point in this movie or any other.
We know he has been struggling with PTSD for three years, ever since the Chitauri attack. His team don’t seem to know or care about this.

He is then mind-gamed by Wanda, who deliberately plays on his anxiety and his disproportionate sense of responsibility to make him irrational. Under that influence, he and Banner begin creating a system that would allow the deployment of the Iron Legion for global defense. This is a very good idea. They decide to integrate the scepter into this system, since it could be a strong asset and, you know, recent mind rape. However, through no fault of their own and before they had even created a functional interface for the future system, a freak accident causes the nascent program to go haywire, evolve far beyond anything Tony and Bruce could possibly account for and become Ultron.

The Avengers react by heaping blame on Tony exclusively, even after he explains that he is in fact innocent of any wrongdoing, and even though none of them have the beginnings of the shadow of a clue about the science involved. They — particularly Cap, but not only him — spend the rest of the movie treating Tony like a criminal and/or condescending to him with stupid, nonsensical one-liners like “Every time someone tries to win a war before it starts, innocents die.” (Because they don’t if you wait for the war to start? Cap should cut his tongue off before uttering such stupidity again.............

                ..........continued in next post

Link to part 2


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