Take care of your health
Because it worth more than wealth.
I want everyone's well wish...
So, now start eating hot dish.
All these now I say
Because winter is on his way,
This is seasons of cold and cough
Fighting with these germs becomes very tough.
Our eyes become full of tear,
As sweaters are compulsory to wear.
Apart from description all these bad...
In this some good lies, so, don't be sad,
In winter you find more fruits and vegetables
And your digestive system becomes more capable.
In winter you can make health
Through edibles nature gives you its wealth
This is time for children to become gale,
At near fireplace grandpa tells them some tale
At this time took place many festive,
For fun and celebration people took initiative.
Be alert and take care
Otherwise in form of diseases you have to give fare,
Winter itself is good and bad
But nobody become sad.
Enjoy winter with precautions you take
Then "the happiest winter" you will make.
                              -ARUNDHATI CHATTERJEE

                               Sunbeam English School,Bhagwanpur


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